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How to Close a Savings Account: Step-by-Step Guide

Susan Kelly

Nov 09, 2023

Savings accounts let people save for objectives and emergencies. However, changing financial demands, better bank offers, or a financial plan change may lead you to terminate your savings account.

What Can Be Reasons for Closing a Savings Account?

Closing a savings account is a major financial choice driven by personal and strategic concerns. Here are some common reasons an individual might consider closing a savings account:

Low-Interest Rates

Savings accounts typically offer interest on deposited funds. If your current bank offers unimpressive interest rates, closing the account and seeking a bank with higher rates can help you earn more from your savings over time.

Switching Banks

If you're dissatisfied with your current bank's services, fees, or overall experience, closing the account and switching to a different bank that aligns better with your preferences can be a compelling reason.

Financial Consolidation

Managing multiple accounts across various banks can be cumbersome. Closing several accounts and consolidating your funds into one account simplifies your finances and makes tracking your savings easier.

Excessive Fees

Some banks impose maintenance fees, minimum balance requirements, or transaction charges. If the fees are eating into your savings, closing the account and finding an option with fewer or no fees might be wise.


Moving to a new location might make your bank's branches and ATMs less accessible. Closing the account and opening one with a bank with better coverage in your new area can be practical.

Better Offers Elsewhere

Banks often introduce promotions, sign-up bonuses, or rewards for opening new savings accounts. If another bank offers attractive incentives, closing your account and taking advantage of these offers can be financially beneficial.

Life Changes

Major life events like marriage, divorce, or the passing of a family member can lead to reevaluating your financial situation. Closing an account might be part of a broader adjustment to your financial strategy.

Lack of Transparency

If your bank's terms and conditions have changed or become less transparent since you opened the account, closing it and moving to a more transparent institution might be prudent.

Change in Financial Goals

As your financial goals evolve, your savings strategy might also need to change. Closing an account might be part of a wider realignment of your financial portfolio.

Minimal Usage

Closing an account, you rarely use helps simplify your finances.

How to Close a Savings Account: Step-By-Step Approach?

Whether you're transferring banks, combining accounts, or modifying your financial plan, following a step-by-step approach can make the process easier. In this detailed guide, we'll walk you through each step of closing a savings account:

Evaluate Your Reasons

Before closing the savings account, an individual must always consider why they should and assess their reasons, i.e., Do you want a better bank, lower interest rates, or to simplify your finances?

Research Alternative Options

Explore other banks or credit unions that offer savings accounts with features that align with your financial goals. Look for competitive interest rates, low fees, and convenient online services.

Review Account Terms and Conditions

Carefully review the terms and conditions of your current savings account. Take note of any penalties, fees, or minimum balance requirements associated with closing the account. This information will help you plan your next steps.

Empty the Account

Ensure that your savings account balance is brought to zero. You can achieve this by making withdrawals, transferring funds to another account you own, or using the funds for necessary expenses.

Contact Customer Service

Get in touch with your bank's customer service department to inform them of your intention to close the savings account. This can often be done via phone, email, or in-person visits, depending on the bank's policies.

Obtain Necessary Forms

Some banks may require you to fill out specific forms to initiate the account closure process. These forms could be available on the bank's website or provided to you by customer service.

Settle Outstanding Transactions

Review any pending transactions tied to the savings account, such as checks, automatic payments, or direct deposits. Clear these transactions or redirect them to your new account to prevent disruptions.

Cancel Automatic Transfers and Bill Payments

If you have any automatic transfers or bill payments linked to the savings account, make sure to cancel or redirect them to your new account. This prevents any potential issues post-closure.

Obtain Closure Confirmation

Request written confirmation from the bank that the account closure process has been initiated. This documentation is important for your records and to resolve any potential disputes in the future.

Destroy Old Cards and Documents

Safeguard your personal information by securely destroying any old debit cards, checks, or account-related documents associated with the closed savings account. One should destroy every single cheque book, debit card, or ATM card for the closed savings account. You won't be concerned about someone identifying and employing them, but you may prevent sending a check or using a card from an inactive account.

Monitor for Residual Activity

Even after the account is closed, keep an eye on it for any residual activity, such as unexpected charges or deposits. This helps ensure that all loose ends are tied up.

Follow Up

After the closure, verify your last account statement to make sure the account was closed and no unexpected fees were paid.


Closing a savings account is a significant financial decision that requires careful consideration and planning. You may confidently terminate a savings account by following the complete instructions mentioned in this article. Remember to research alternative options, review terms and conditions, and ensure a seamless transition of funds and transactions to avoid any potential setbacks. Whether you're pursuing better financial opportunities or streamlining your accounts, closing a savings account can be a strategic step toward your financial well-being.

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