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Leading ETFs from Charles Schwab

Susan Kelly

Oct 26, 2023

Our investment decisions can shape our financial future. Charles Schwab, a reputable financial company, offers ETFs for various investing needs. Investors might consider adding these Charles Schwab ETFs to their portfolios.

Schwab U.S. Mid-Cap ETF

Mid-cap stocks have always been the sweet spot for investors looking for growth and stability. The Schwab U.S. Mid-Cap ETF, a notable name on the Charles Schwab ETF list, offers an avenue to explore this segment without burning a hole in the pocket.

Category and Type: Mid-cap blend

Assets under management: $10.0 billion

Dividend output: 1.1%

Costs: 0.04%

The beauty of mid-cap stocks lies in their potential to offer robust growth while maintaining stability. This ETF, recognized as one of the best Charles Schwab ETFs, captures this essence by combining growth and value styles. If diversifying your investment across mid-cap stocks is on your agenda, this ETF deserves a spot in your portfolio.

Schwab U.S. Large-Cap Value ETF

Regarding investing, the Schwab U.S. Large-Cap Value ETF is a top choice for many. This ETF, part of the extensive Charles Schwab ETF list, offers investors a unique opportunity to tap into the potential of large domestic shares. This ETF provides a safer haven in the current market scenario, where aggressive growth stocks face high risks due to their soaring valuations.

Category and Type: Large Value

Assets under management: $10.1 billion

Dividend output: 2.0%

Costs: 0.04%

Value-style stocks outperform under rising interest rates and inflation, according to history. This trend-capitalizing Charles Schwab ETF is one of the best. Financials, healthcare, and industrials are its primary focus. This ETF is a good choice for large-cap value stock investors.

Schwab U.S. REIT ETF

Many worry about inflation. Thus, real estate has become a popular choice. A popular Charles Schwab ETF, the Schwab U.S. REIT ETF, makes investing in this area easy.

Category and Type: Real estate

Assets under management: $6.8 billion

Dividend output: 2.0%

Costs: 0.07%

REITs are attractive because they offer capital appreciation and regular income. One of Charles Schwab's top ETFs, this one provides these benefits at a low cost. This ETF is a top choice for investors keen on adding real estate to their portfolios without the complexities of direct ownership.

Schwab Balanced Fund

Investors often need help to strike the right balance between stocks and bonds. Enter the Schwab Balanced Fund. This fund, a prominent feature on the Charles Schwab ETF list, offers a harmonious blend of both, ensuring investors don't have to compromise.

Category and Type: Allocation, 50%-70% equity

Assets under management: $870.5 million

Dividend output: 0.9%

Costs: 0.50%

Its composition makes the Schwab Balanced Fund beautiful. Designed as a standalone package, it combines Schwab offerings well. This diversifies investors' portfolios, lowering market risk. For those who aim for a moderate allocation without the hassle of managing multiple products, this fund stands out as one of the best Charles Schwab ETFs.

Schwab Tax-Free Bond Fund

Taxes might significantly reduce investment returns. What if you could keep more of your earnings? The Schwab Tax-Free Bond Fund, a notable mention on the Charles Schwab ETF list, offers a solution to this very problem.

Category and Type: Municipal, national intermediate-term bond

Assets under management: $795.4 million

SEC output: 0.7%

Costs: 0.40%

Investing in municipal bonds can offer tax advantages, and this fund provides an efficient way to tap into that benefit. As one of the best Charles Schwab ETFs for tax-free income, it focuses on investment-grade municipal bonds. If reducing your tax liability while earning a steady income sounds appealing, this fund might be what you're looking for.

Schwab International Equity ETF

The global market is vast, and the Schwab International Equity ETF is a trusted companion for investors looking to explore beyond domestic shores. As part of the Charles Schwab ETF list, it promises exposure to some of the most robust markets outside the U.S.

Category and Type: Foreign large blend

Assets under management: $28.2 billion

Dividend output: 2.2%

Costs: 0.06%

Developed international markets have much to offer, especially in Europe and Asia. This ETF taps into this potential, ensuring investors get diversified stocks from these regions. Recognized as one of the best Charles Schwab ETFs, it's a top pick for those aiming to broaden their investment horizons.

Schwab 1000 Index ETF

For those who believe in the power of large and mid-cap stocks, the Schwab 1000 Index ETF is a name to reckon with. As a core holding, it promises exposure to some of the top-performing U.S. stocks, making it a must-have on any Charles Schwab ETF list.

Category and Type: Large Blend

Assets under management: $2.3 billion

Dividend output: 1.2%

Costs: 0.05%

Tracking the Russell 1000 Index, this ETF ensures investors get a slice of the top U.S. stocks. As a leading Charles Schwab ETF, its diversified portfolio reduces market volatility concerns. This ETF is ideal for investors seeking a balanced significant and mid-cap equities portfolio.

Schwab 1-5 Year Corporate Bond ETF

In the investment landscape, rising interest rates often send ripples of concern. But with the right tools, investors can find stability even in turbulent waters. The Schwab 1-5 Year Corporate Bond ETF, a standout in the Charles Schwab ETF list, offers a haven for those prioritizing safety.

Category and Type: Short-term bond

Assets under management: $608.1 million

SEC output: 1.2%

Costs: 0.05%

This type of short-term bond fund is designed to withstand interest rate swings. It is one of the best Charles Schwab fixed-income ETFs and gives stable returns throughout market volatility. This ETF deserves your attention if stability and consistent returns are on your checklist.

Schwab U.S. TIPS ETF

'Inflation' might keep investors up at night. What if you could protect your investments from its effects? Enter the Schwab U.S. TIPS ETF. Featured prominently on the Charles Schwab ETF list, this fund offers a protective shield against the eroding effects of inflation.

Category and Type: Inflation-protected bond

Assets under management: $21.5 billion

SEC output: 2.7%

Costs: 0.05%

Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS) adjust with inflation to protect your savings. Inflation-conscious investors may consider this Charles Schwab ETF one of the best for inflation protection. Check out this ETF to preserve your buying power.

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