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UK's Savings Habits: Where Does the Average Stand?

Triston Martin

Oct 24, 2023

How people save money impacts their ability to handle unforeseen circumstances and plan for the future. The statistics show that by 2023, a typical resident in the UK has set aside £17,773. It's important to note this figure represents an average, which means individual savings can be either below or above this benchmark. These figures offer insights into the financial preparedness of UK households. However, it's equally crucial to break down these statistics further to understand the nuances, particularly when considering the gender disparity in savings.

Gender Gap in Savings

Regarding gender, men have a more significant average saving, standing at £23,951, while women trail behind with a figure of £11,698. This discrepancy underscores the prevailing wage gap and potentially differing spending habits and financial responsibilities. Achieving gender parity in average savings in the UK remains a significant challenge and highlights the need for economic policies addressing these disparities.

Brits Without Savings

Interestingly, not all Brits have savings. The year 2023 marks an uptick in this segment, with about 23% of the population having no savings, a rise from 20% the prior year. Such statistics indicate that a significant portion of the population could live paycheck to paycheck, potentially vulnerable to unexpected financial emergencies.

Low Savings among Brits

Further, half of the UK's residents need more financial buffer. A staggering 50% have savings that don't go beyond £1,000. This fact highlights the need for more comprehensive financial literacy programs and better access to savings vehicles for the general population.

Savings by Age Group

An individual's age often corresponds with their savings habits, primarily influenced by their lifecycle stage, financial responsibilities, and earning potential.

18-24 Age Bracket

The younger generation, specifically those between 18 and 24, has an average savings of £2,533. Given that many in this age bracket might be in education or just starting their careers, this figure suggests the early stages of building a financial foundation.

55+ Age Bracket

On the other end of the spectrum, the older age group, those above 55, showcases a more robust savings figure. They average £35,607 in savings. Having had more years in the workforce and potentially fewer immediate financial obligations like childcare or mortgages, this group reflects the benefits of long-term financial planning.

Generation-based Savings Analysis

Each generation, molded by unique experiences and challenges, has distinct average savings UK habits.

Silent Generation

Leading the pack in savings, the Silent Generation has amassed an impressive average of £58,606. Their savings behavior is likely influenced by post-war frugality, a period of economic growth, and the benefit of long-term investments.

Baby Boomers

Following closely, the Baby Boomers hold an average of £41,804. Growing up in significant economic and social change, their financial habits have been shaped by both prosperity and challenges, leading to a more balanced savings approach.

Generation X

There's a noticeable drop with Generation X, who have an average savings of £12,939. This generation, juggling personal and societal financial challenges, faces the dual responsibility of supporting aging parents and raising children, impacting the average savings by age ability to save.


Despite being tech-savvy with average savings uk and having access to many financial tools, Millennials have an average savings of £5,943. With challenges like student debt and changing employment landscapes, their savings habits reflect the modern financial hurdles.

Gen Z

Lastly, Gen Z, the youngest of the lot, is just starting its financial journey with an average savings of £2,463. As they navigate the complexities of the modern economy, it'll be intriguing to see how their savings habits evolve.

Savings by UK Region

When examining the UK savings statistics, it's apparent that different parts of the UK show varying savings. Not only does income play a role, but where one resides can also have a significant impact.

East of England

The East of England has the most impressive savings records among the regions. It’s worth noting that many factors can influence such a trend, from employment opportunities to living costs. But regardless of these factors, the East of England's residents seem ahead in their savings game.

West Midlands

On the flip side, the West Midlands displays the lowest average savings. Considering the industrial history of the area and the shifts in the UK's economic landscape, it might not be too surprising. But what does catch attention is the fact that residents of Greater London, often perceived to be a prosperous region, show little difference in their average savings compared to West Midlands.

Income and its Relation to Savings

Income is a powerful indicator of an individual’s saving capacity. It's clear that as earnings increase, the ability to save also escalates.

High earners

Those fortunate enough to earn upwards of £150,000 annually have impressive savings records. On average, these individuals have stashed away about £87,447. Their earning capacity undoubtedly gives them a cushion to secure a substantial part of their earnings.

Low earners

In stark contrast, individuals earning £15,000 or below face a more formidable challenge. Their average savings, standing at £7,003, paint a picture of the difficulties faced by this segment in setting aside a portion of their earnings. The disparity in savings between the higher and lower income brackets underscores the importance of financial strategies tailored to each group's unique challenges.

Current Concerns with UK Savings

Alarm bells ring when one looks at the number of people with no savings. It's not just about the financial security of individuals, but it's also about the more significant economic health of the nation.

In 2023, the numbers are daunting. About 12 million UK residents, up to 23%, find themselves without savings. This is a considerable jump from 2022, which stood at 10.5 million or 20%. The spike in just a year is a matter of concern.

Furthermore, it's unsettling that approximately 26.5 million people, nearly half of the UK population, have scanty savings, not exceeding £1,000. Such statistics reflect potential vulnerabilities in the face of financial emergencies.

Brits' Reliance on Savings

The resilience of UK residents in times of financial adversity comes into focus when evaluating how long they could sustain themselves on their savings.

Drawing from the average monthly expenses, it becomes evident that a significant portion, about 51%, would deplete their savings in under a month. Such data emphasizes the need for more widespread financial literacy and planning, ensuring individuals and families can weather unexpected economic storms.

Average Household Savings

The broader perspective of household savings offers insights into the nation's financial health. And recent trends indicate a direction that requires attention.

Anticipations for 2023 could be more optimistic. Predictions suggest household savings fall to just 4% of disposable income. Such a decrease is significant, especially considering that in 2021, the figure was at a more comfortable 10.75%, which then slightly dipped to 4.75% in 2022. This trend underscores the need to boost household savings, ensuring UK residents a more stable financial future.

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