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Start Investing According to Your Values with Stash Invest

Triston Martin

Jan 22, 2024

Do you ever wish your investments made a positive impact on pressing social and environmental problems around the world? If so, then Stash Invest is for you. This innovative investment platform allows investors to align their finances with their values – giving them the power to make socially responsible choices that align with their mission.

With services like Socially Responsible Investing (SRI) and Automated Investment Plans (AIPs) available at an affordable cost, now there's no excuse not to start investing according to the principles you care about.

Read on to learn how Stash Invest can give you the freedom and confidence to make decisions based on more than just dollars and cents.

What is Stash Invest, and how can it help you invest ethically

Stash Invest is an innovative platform that allows you to invest according to your values and goals through automated financial technology. Through Stash Invest, you can buy shares in companies that align with your values, such as those working to protect the environment or promote social justice.

You can also invest in sector-specific funds like renewable energy or artificial intelligence. Stash Invest provides an easy and accessible way to invest in the companies that matter to you.

With Stash Invest, you can customize your investments according to your goals. Whether looking for long-term retirement savings or short-term income, Stash Invest has a portfolio to fit your needs. You can choose from pre-built portfolios tailored to your risk tolerance and desired returns or build a portfolio with individual stocks and funds.

Stash Invest offers other features for investors looking to make their money work smarter. Stash Retire is a retirement investment platform that combines automatic investing with goal tracking. Stash Debit is a rewards debit card that helps you get the most out of your spending, and Stash Banking makes it easy to manage your finances with no minimum balance required.

Start Investing According to Your Values with Stash Invest today. With its easy-to-use platform and innovative features, Stash Invest is the perfect place to start building an ethical and sustainable portfolio. With Stash Invest, you can make your money work for you – and for the causes that matter most to you. Get started today and begin investing according to your values!

How to get started with Stash Invest

Making investment decisions based on your values is now easier than ever with Stash Invest. Stash Invest enables you to invest according to your values in stocks and ETFs without researching individual companies or managing the investments yourself. You can start investing according to your values in just a few easy steps:

1. Download the Stash app and create your account

2. After you have signed up, link your bank account to the app

3. Set up a recurring deposit or make a one-time contribution to your investment portfolio

4. Select an investment portfolio that reflects your values (Stash Invest offers more than 30 investing themes, such as clean energy, diversity, and inclusion, animal welfare, or sustainable investing)

5. Monitor your investments over time and adjust as you see fit.

Breaking down the different types of investmeInvest's Stash Invest'sffers

At Stash, we want to help you make the right investments for your values. That's why our platform offers a variety of investment options that match different financial goals and risk preferences.

Stash Invest lets you choose stocks from individual companies, funds in exchange-traded funds (ETFs), or a mix of That'sOur platfThat'sso offers real estate investment trusts (REITs) and individual bonds, which can all be bought for as little as $5.

So, whether you want a simple index fund or prefer to pick stocks yourself, Stash Invest has something for everyone. With our wide range of security types and low-cost options, you can create an investment portfolio that matches your values.

Tips on how to maximize your returns when using Stash Invest

1. Research the stocks & ETFs you are interested in, and make sure they align with your values: Stash Invest provides a wide range of investments to choose from, but it's important to do your research and make sure that any investment decisions you make are consistent with your values.

2. Diversify Your Portfolio: Stash Invest offers a range of investments to build a well-diversified portfolio. This will help reduce the risk associated with any single stock or ETF.

3. Take Advantage of Automated Investing Strategies: With Stash Invest's automated investing tools, you can set up automatic investments in your portfolio. This helps ensure that you invest regularly and take advantage of market opportunities.

4. Rebalance Your Portfolio Regularly: Markets fluctuate over time, so rebalancing your portfolio can help you maximize returns in the long term. Stash Invest provides tools to easily monitor and adjust your portfolio allocations.

Examples of successful investments from other users who use Stash Invest

Stash Invest has helped many users take control of their investments and align them with their values. For example, one user could invest in companies whose policies reflected her environmental beliefs. Another user invested in businesses run by people of color, furthering his commitment to racial equality. Still, another investor chose to focus on businesses that promote gender parity in the workplace.

No matter your values, Stash Invest allows you to make investments that are meaningful and beneficial to society while also helping you reach your financial goals. By investing with Stash Invest, you can be sure that your money is being put to work according to what matters most to you.

With Stash Invest, you can start investing with as little as $5. Plus, you can access fractional shares and a wide range of ETFs and stocks that will fit your values-based investment strategy. Furthermore, Stash Invest provides educational resources so you can continue learning about the stock market and confidently build your portfolio.


How do I start investing in Stash?

To start with Stash Invest, you must download the app, link your bank account, and select an investment portfolio that reflects your values. You can then make a one-time contribution or set up automated deposits. After that, you can start investing according to your financial goals and beliefs.

Can you make money investing with Stash?

Yes, you can make money using Stash Invest. The returns you earn will depend on the type of investments you select and your risk profile. With a socially responsible investing portfolio, you can diversify your investments and spread out the risk while pursuing ethical values-based investing goals.

Is Stash good for beginners?

Stash Invest is a great platform for beginners since it allows you to start with only $5 and provides investment education and guidance. It also offers low fees, making it an accessible option for those new to investing. Plus, the app provides personalized recommendations that make selecting investments easier.


Stash Invest is an appealing option for anyone looking to invest ethically and sustainably. The platform provides an easy way to get into investing with access to various portfolios tailored specifically for socially responsible investors. The low fees enable users to maximize their returns without paying too high of a cost. Considering all this, it is clear why so many already enjoy using this virtuous investment platform, which offers significant benefits when consciously dealing with your finances.

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